Monday, August 09, 2004

"Why you want to leave me?"

And that's my My Big Fat Greek Wedding tribute to Janice. Good luck, Jan! Have fun in New York. I'm jealous, but jealous in a good way. :)

Good grief, I need to write a two-page paper, but there's no way I can narrow down my topic: theater public relations. Then it's like, what to write about? I keep finding interesting things that don't flow together.

Had a weird day at work. Let's just say I'm not fond of answering phones. I mean, I never have been, but yeah, today is one good example of why I don't like to do it when I don't know who's calling. Hmmm... other than that, work was pretty good. Pay day tomorrow! Woohoo!

Oh right. I better get back to the paper I already detest. Sigh.

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