Saturday, August 21, 2004

"No, you're not hardcore...

...unless you live hardcore. And the legend of the rent was so hardcore!"

LOL! Now I feel like watching School of Rock. Anyway, I finished my scrapbook! I can't believe it. Took me half a year (including the time I couldn't work on it all during spring quarter), but I did it. :) Now y'all are free to take a look. Big thanks to Josh & Co. once again for *everything*. Those were amazing concerts in January, and I won't forget them. Ever.

Finished editing the projects for SPT. When I did that, I didn't look at my professor's notes in my portfolio, but I'm pretty sure I covered everything she suggested. Will look it over later, but I can relax now.

Oh wait. My room's still a ruddy mess. (*grin* Yes, I've been reading Harry Potter again.)

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