Wednesday, April 21, 2004

The Ritual

Want to know what it's like to register for classes at UW these days? I don't know if anybody/everybody gets as wound up as I do. I set my alarm at least 15 minutes (sometimes, even close to 5 AM) before the 6 AM registration period starts online. (Yeah, there's no more STAR, or whatever the phone registration system was called. I never used it.) Turn on my computer in the dark. Feel the fatigue for the lack of that "extra" sleep. And start hoping. I usually plan out quite a few alternate schedules, but I always hope that the first one works out, of course. Sometimes I really stress out if there's a class I want. Sometimes it works out. Sometimes the schedule doesn't. It was really difficult even with sophomore status to get into some classes. Ever since I became a junior, it became easier. I get so nervous and so excited about new classes when I register. Today I registered for one class during summer quarter. Yay! It all worked out. That class is usually difficult to get into. Time to go back to sleep. :)

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