Monday, June 20, 2011

Pop-Up Pianos: Day 3 in Pictures

Piano #7: Lincoln Center - Hearst Plaza.  This piano was decorated by Diane von Furstenberg.

Close-up of "Love is life."

Close-up of the keys.  I'm not sure what was up with the pencil(?) line across the keys...  

Piano #8: Lincoln Center - Rubenstein Atrium.  Second baby grand in Manhattan!  This piano is called "Manhattan Rhapsody" and was designed by Scott Taylor.  Love it.

An open piano calls for this kind of shot!

I love me some baby grands... or even just grands!

A man who sat down to eat his dinner and listen to me kindly offered to take my picture while I played.  Thanks, sir!

Piano #9: Lincoln Center - Alice Tully Hall.  Third baby grand in Manhattan.  The sound was not quite as exciting as #8, but I actually think it's the acoustics of the outdoor area.  It's below street level, and the traffic is a little noisy.  The decorations along the side of the piano look pretty neat, but I didn't take a picture of them.  Sorry.

I like that you can see more of the keys... While I was taking pictures,  two ladies asked me to play another song for them, so I played "The Sound of White."

Piano #10: Central Park - Visitors' Center at Tavern on the Green.  This picture's a little deceiving because while you can see empty chairs, there were quite a few people sitting at the tables behind me.  After I played, they clapped for me!  It was a pleasant surprise.    

This piano is called "Pedal to the Metal" and represents airstreams and subway cars.  I felt like I should've played something funky, but I don't have anything funky in my rep.  The sound of the piano was quite muted, so it worked well with my mellow ballad.

Parting shot

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