Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Pop-Up Pianos: Day 12 in Pictures

Piano #40: Knowing that I would set a new personal record for unique pianos played, I knew Harlem Art Park had to be #40!  After two failed attempts to play this piano last year (either the piano or the park was locked), I was finally able to play at this location!

#41: Central Park - Dana Discover Center.  I was happy to see the piano when I arrived.  Nobody was playing, so I took off the blue tarp and began to play.  Just by looking at the piano, I could tell some keys were in bad shape.  Poor piano.  I guess the repairs weren't enough.  I was fortunate to have an active "audience of one."  After I played "Arithmetic," I had a little chat with the guy who was standing to my right and a little behind me.  I asked him if he wanted to play, but he just said he wanted to listen and asked me about my piano training and how long I'd been singing.  It's funny -- I was not a good piano student, and I haven't had voice lessons.  I just love both on an amateur level.  I was hesitant on which song to play next but eventually settled on "Nightminds."  Unfortunately, the ending -- my favorite part of the song -- suffered from the keys that were broken.  Oh well!  I wish that someone played the piano after me, if only to hear once again how the sound carries so well over Harlem Meer, but alas, no one did.

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