Saturday, March 26, 2005

Spring Break... nearly over. This was the busiest spring break I can remember. I worked on campus and finished up my internship at Seattle Opera four of the five days. On Tuesday, I "conducted" my first informational interview with a really great PR manager, and--for many reasons--I'm really glad that I did it.

It's difficult to describe how I feel right now on this Good Friday. A continuum from happiness to sadness, perhaps. Happy about my scholarship. Happy about my grades (yeah, I 4.0ed the quarter for the first time at UW). Happy that I had such a great time at the Opera. Sad that my internship has ended. Sad when I think about Lolo. Sad (or maybe just tired) that my break's almost over 'cause I really could use more sleep. Sad (but hopeful) about Jesus' death. I realize that I don't talk about religion all that much. It's something I usually keep private, but I know what it means to me:

At a time like this, I'm reminded just how much my faith in God keeps me going. Especially when the highs and lows come at the same time.

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