Friday, April 01, 2005

No joke

It's almost too good to be true, but I can now say that I'm doing some freelance editing. Today I signed a contract and everything. :) I'm finding that I need to pinch myself, especially since it's April Fools' Day. A big shout out to the PR department at Seattle Opera. They are simply the best. I gladly would have done this for free, but who am I to decline an offer of payment? Hehehe. :)

It's been a week since I ended my internship. For whatever reason, it has felt a lot longer than seven days. I wasn't quite sure what I was going to do with myself, but yay! Now I don't have to think about that so much. I'm very happy that I get to return to the office, keep in touch, and sharpen my skills.

*jumping up and down with my red pen in hand*

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