Saturday, March 12, 2005

Metro Woes

Argh, I don't know that I'll ever out and out praise public transportation. It's good most of the time, but it takes one late bus to get the *grumble grumble* out of people--myself included. I waited over half an hour for my bus this afternoon. Half a freakin' hour. This isn't the first time the bus has been severely tardy. Different route, but still. I guess matters were made worse when I witnessed a heated verbal exchange at the bus stop, and it wasn't pretty. I think if I hadn't kept myself preoccupied analyzing what the man was yelling (chalk it up to my being a communication major, taking speech codes and language classes), I would have been traumatized. And he wasn't even yelling at me.

I miss my car. But even if I had it here, I guess I'd complain about the cost of parking. *grumble grumble* :) I like typing *grumble grumble*. You should try it some time.

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