Sunday, March 13, 2005

Random bits o' tumbleweed

They're ba-ack... My allergies, that is. I'm sneezing more, and I have a headache. Greaaaat.

Poo on you... A bird pooped on my hand on my way to church this morning. It was Disgusting with a capital D. Miraculously, I didn't get pooped on anywhere else. At least, I hope not. The greeters at church asked, "How are you?" and all I could breathlessly reply was, "Pretty good." I didn't want to take the time to say I was desperately in need of washing my hands! ;)

Just what I needed... Church: Does a body--and soul--good.

Denied... I hoped to get bubble tea from Yunnie's today. That's my favorite bubble tea place on the Ave. Who knew they were closed on Sundays?!? That's lost business for ya. My honey milk tea craving will have to wait for another day.

Crunch time... I have a final tomorrow. Am listening to my music examples. Wish me luck!

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