Thursday, July 29, 2004

Two more words

Customer service.

Warner Bros. Records is making up for the manufacturing goof.  Yay!  I'm going to request my replacement CD tomorrow.  That's what I'm talkin' 'bout.   :) 

Oh my JOSH.  I just heard the entire clip of Josh singing "Maria."  WOW.  Tony, Tony.  *swoon*  All those Grobies named Maria should consider themselves extremely lucky.  When are you ever going to hear a Broadway showtune named "Allison"?  Or, a non-depressing song named "Allison"?  Elvis Costello's song, frankly, is a bit depressing.  Catchy, but gloomy.

Gotta write an article.  The pressure of working under a deadline is ON!  "The pressure's on, AlliSON!  And thing's are not going swell!  But still by midnight, the writing goes on -- a burning oil as weh-yeh-yeh-yeh-yell!"  (Wow, I haven't parodied in a long time)  *grin*  Pardon me, Messrs. Boublil and... drawing a blank, Maltby! You rock, Monsieur Schonberg!

Yours truly,
Weird Alli

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