Friday, July 23, 2004

Just play it cool, boy, reeeeal cool

Yeah, I sang "Cool" in my head this morning, but as much as I tried to stay cool, it's just too friggin' hot here!  Walking across campus was pure torture, not to mention I walked along the Ave. to grab a bite to eat.  Yum... teriyaki.  :)  Anyway, I saw the Bartell's Drug sign... the one with the temperature.  86 degrees.  90 degrees.  93 degrees.  TORTURE for this Washingtonian!

Ooh, I saw Shakespeare in the Park today.  The actors in the week-long youth program class were great!  Funny, dramatic, expressive.  I'm so impressed.  Go Seattle Public Theater!  :)  One of my favorite scenes was the witches' scene from Macbeth.  Instead of a cauldron, they had a Cuisinart mixer thingie.  LOL!  Love the improvisation and their making fun of their high-tech cauldron -- looking for a place in the tree to plug it in.  :D  In go leaves, Cheerios, litter... but what about the pop can?  "It won't fit!"  Hmmm... maybe you had to be there.  :) 

Well, I'll be glad when the weather goes back to the 70s.  And it's not like that's a pic-a-nic for me either.  But 90s?  C'mon marine air!

Btw, we are New York bound in September!

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