Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Can I just say... that bananas go well with Special K Red Berry (or is it Strawberry, 'cause they are) and bananas go well with Corn Pops. You can just put your banana -- as slices -- in the bowl along with the cereal and milk. But, bananas do NOT go well with Apple Jacks. Trust me. I tried it this morning. Big mistake. The cafeteria is depriving me of Special K Red Berry. Argh!

Wouldn't it be cool if I had a TV talk show? That way, I could just mention Kelloggs, and they more than likely would send me crateloads of cereal for free. At least, in exchange for mentioning their brand name. Hehehehe. Just think of the possibilities. Like, ooh, TiVo. TiVo, TiVo, TiVo. LOL! Or, Kleenex. Kleenex, Kleenex, Kleenex. LOL! I went from TiVo to Kleenex. Well, I could just be a guest on a TV talk show rather than have one. If I were a guest on the Ellen DeGeneres show, that'd be cool. Yesterday, Ellen gave Rosie Perez a wagonload of Febreze. OK, I'd even settle as an audience member. Ya can't beat free stuff.

Back to life. Back to reality. LOL! I have to prepare for English.

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