And threw it out the window, the window! The second story window! Oh my gosh. I just relived a moment of sixth-grade camp with that subject line. :)
But that describes my day, really. The stress-induced headaches persist into this Wednesday, but you know what? I aced all three midterms this quarter. WOW. Yup, I received my final (well, it was a midterm, LOL) test back today, and according to what my professor said, I should have taken the rest of the day off because of it. Turns out, I couldn't take the rest of the day off.
Had to go to English, which is currently the source of my stress. Yup. I really like that class, but I have too much on my plate right now. And to top it all off, I had to ask for a scheduling change at work to accommodate English. But you know what? I *love* my job. My supervisors and fellow co-worker were really nice about it when I asked them if I could shuffle my hours. They said yes and that school comes first. Rock on, Atmospheric Sciences Department!!! Thank you. :)
Okay, so I attended the final PRSSA meeting of the year. This school year, I should say. Our keynote speaker was the PR professor. She's been very helpful, and she gave a great talk about working in the entertainment industry. After the talk, we held officer elections. And yes. You are now reading the blog of next year's UW-PRSSA Treasurer. I'm gonna be busy next year, but it'll be great. I train for my new position next Wednesday.
Hmmm... I better dive into the novel for English. We are required to cover chapters 1-25, but I can't talk about a book without having read it in its entirety. No way.