Wednesday, September 21, 2005

A word about blogs

Time Magazine gave all these tips on how to start a blog and included a point to stick to one topic. Well, that's not gonna happen. I'm not all about just one thing.

So here are a few different things that came about today, September 21:

The morning commute took forEVER. And by forever, I mean 75 minutes. Not that I'm complaining, really. I had tea this morning and couldn't fall asleep until right before I saw a glimpse of downtown Seattle. Then I dozed off. And when I woke up, we were slowly creeping towards UW. Good nap.

Had a good day at work, I guess. Got a call from the Opera, so I'm proofreading tonight. Oh my gawd, I'm proofreading tonight. GOTTA GO!

No time to blog! Oh wait! I guess I do have a theme after all. :)

1 comment:

Allison said...

Um, so I haven't exactly moved on to proofreading yet. Go figure. But how do you like the new look? Time Magazine had some good tips, not that I'm following every single one ... just a few here and there. :)

I ended up sacrificing all the comments from haloscan, but that just means y'all have to comment now! Unless I'm boring you. But then you should tell me *that*!