Friday, September 09, 2005

It's a strange time. Maybe strange isn't the right word. I'm sad for those who suffered and are still suffering from Hurricane Katrina's aftermath. My heart goes out to them.

I'm also very aware that my internship is coming to an end in a couple weeks as I return to school.

Here's another wakeup call: I lose my parents' dental coverage when I turn 22. Yes, I'm happy to turn 22, but whoa. I really AM growing up (I wanted to do that when I was 11, and now I don't want to at all ... go figure). Soon I'll need to get a job that has benefits, and I hope to God that I'll be hired to do something that I love doing.

*sigh* *deep breath* I hope I'm ready for the real world. Part of me thinks I'm ready ... and part of me just doubts it all. I think I now know what they mean when they say that college is the easy part, and you have no idea what you're in store for. Where do they teach you how to prepare for life after college? Where's the reassurance?

ANYway, I don't know about you, but I need an escape. Who's with me?

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