Friday, September 30, 2005

Consciously or subconsciously or coincidentally?

Are the writers on Alias also fans of Michelle Branch? When Sydney was suggesting names for the baby, she mentioned Owen, Clementine and Isabelle. And as we know, Michelle Branch's daughter is Owen Isabelle.

But when did they shoot the season premiere? Last month? And when did they write the script? Hmmm.... HMMMMMM.... Okay, enough about baby names and possible coincidences or intentional inclusions.

I thought Alias was great ... for the most part. I can't stand the thought of Michael Vaughn not being Michael Vaughn. Not Andre Mishapoopoo. Okay that's not his name, but I don't know how to spell it. And I also can't stand that he died! I almost refuse to believe it. And you know Alias. People we *think* are dead aren't really dead. I hope that's the case. Hmmm... not much of a chance of that though. If we get to see Michael Vaughn in "flashbacks," I guess that's fine but not much of a consolation.

I knew that investigator guy was up to no good! (He played King Amonasro in Aida on Broadway, hehehe. I'll post the picture later, if I remember.) Argh.

Marshall was awesome. What was up with Jack? He seemed out of his game. I almost forgot about Sloane. Too bad Nadia has an incurable infection. She's a good character.

At this rate, it seems that Sydney will never get married. Engaged twice. Now has two dead fiances. Also, in self-defense, had to kill ex-lover, the icky Snowman or whatever his name was. Let's forget about him.

All I have left to say is: Is it Thursday yet?

Thursday, September 29, 2005

No love for left-handers

First, Brittany passes on an article that states left-handed women may have a higher risk for breast cancer than right-handed women.

Now, UW is cramping my style. Or giving me a hand cramp. Or both. In all my classes, there are individual desks. One has them bolted to the floor even. And in all three, I couldn't find a left-handed desk in sight. In two of the three classrooms, ALL the desks were built for right-handers. In the third classroom, I didn't get there early enough to tell if there were any left-handed desks and had to sit in the back anyway.

In the past, I was able to scout out the left-handed desk. Now there simply aren't any.

Argh, I feel like I should complain ... to the higher-ups, I mean. Not just here on my blog.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

That's why having TiVo would be cool

As you know, "Lost" is on my TV schedule this season. Well, the season premiered last Wednesday. I needed to do some last-minute shopping for a new outfit, so I taped "Lost" from 8 to 9 p.m. Unfortunately, I ended up taping the first-season recap/introduction show. I'll admit that it was very helpful to watch, but that means I didn't tape the actual season premiere. ARGH. Imagine my frustration if you can.

There's a solution to this problem: TiVo. Precious, precious TiVo.

There's an obstacle to this solution. So until I can afford to buy you, I will dream of having you.

Oh TiVo. In your absence, my couch-potato-y heart grows fonder.

Friday, September 23, 2005

The End

Spent my last day as the communications intern at The 5th Avenue Theatre. :) It sure was a memorable one. I wrapped up a few projects, cleaned out my files, sent my last e-mails and said my "see ya later"s. (It's not really good-bye though! I've been invited to future opening nights. Yay!)

Around 4 o'clock, they surprised me with a chocolate and raspberry cake that had "You rock!" on it. :) Mmm ... that cake was delicious. It was from Gelatiamo, which I have seen countless times on my way to and from the Metro tunnel. Now I know they have great desserts!

I'm really grateful that I got to spend my summer at the 5th. I know that I may sound like a broken record by now, but it's true. A big thanks to everyone who made my time there an awesome one. :)

Breaking it down:

66: number of days spent in the communications office
7: number of days I took off during the entire span of my internship (5 for vacation to New York, 1 for family day, 1 for my birthday)
0: number of dollars earned (but the experience is invaluable)
2: number of press/opening nights worked
4: number of musicals I saw at the 5th over the course of my internship
6: number of comp tickets received
3: number of happy-hour outings I went to
271: number of hours logged onto weekly timesheets

Thursday, September 22, 2005

I'm not a gamer, but ...

I tend to get addicted to playing a certain game for a period of time. Earlier this year it was Minesweeper. A few weeks ago it was Free Cell. Last week it was Tetris. And now it's Pac-Man. :)

Oh, I accidentally cleared my best times on Minesweeper. I mourned the loss for maybe a minute and moved on. Minesweeper is soooo last June. LOL. No, no. I'm just bitter than I can no longer finish the expert time. What happened?

But Pac-Man though? I'm all about it.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

A word about blogs

Time Magazine gave all these tips on how to start a blog and included a point to stick to one topic. Well, that's not gonna happen. I'm not all about just one thing.

So here are a few different things that came about today, September 21:

The morning commute took forEVER. And by forever, I mean 75 minutes. Not that I'm complaining, really. I had tea this morning and couldn't fall asleep until right before I saw a glimpse of downtown Seattle. Then I dozed off. And when I woke up, we were slowly creeping towards UW. Good nap.

Had a good day at work, I guess. Got a call from the Opera, so I'm proofreading tonight. Oh my gawd, I'm proofreading tonight. GOTTA GO!

No time to blog! Oh wait! I guess I do have a theme after all. :)

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

And how do we feel about that?

Before I watched the season premiere, I saw that "Gilmore Girls" received a 9.6 (out of 10) rating from the TV-show Web site I frequent. What were people thinking?

I don't know about you, but I was sorely disappointed in the premiere. The only saving grace was Paris. Paris had it right on the money. Logan needs to go. I don't care if they made him a regular. He's sucked the life out of the once-great character that was Rory Gilmore. Rory, go back to school. Lorelai and Luke... uh, yeah... okay... Right on, Paris. I hope you get more airtime.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Ooh, it's back

Mid-September means several things:

My birthday is coming up!

Summer vacation is winding down.

The new TV season returns on the WB ("Gilmore Girls" begins its 6th season in a few minutes!)

Here are my shows:
Desperate Housewives
Grey's Anatomy
Gimore Girls
The Amazing Race
Lost (I think I'll start watching more)

The Office is pretty funny, too, but it'll air the same time as The Amazing Race. Full TV schedule? Heck yeah!

Monday, September 12, 2005

A year ago today ... in pictures

Sutton Foster sings "Astonishing"

Um, duh...

Jennifer Laura Thompson and Idina Menzel sing "For Good"

The cast of Avenue Q performs "It Sucks to Be Me"

Confetti pours on Times Square

Broadway on Broadway

Friday, September 09, 2005

It's a strange time. Maybe strange isn't the right word. I'm sad for those who suffered and are still suffering from Hurricane Katrina's aftermath. My heart goes out to them.

I'm also very aware that my internship is coming to an end in a couple weeks as I return to school.

Here's another wakeup call: I lose my parents' dental coverage when I turn 22. Yes, I'm happy to turn 22, but whoa. I really AM growing up (I wanted to do that when I was 11, and now I don't want to at all ... go figure). Soon I'll need to get a job that has benefits, and I hope to God that I'll be hired to do something that I love doing.

*sigh* *deep breath* I hope I'm ready for the real world. Part of me thinks I'm ready ... and part of me just doubts it all. I think I now know what they mean when they say that college is the easy part, and you have no idea what you're in store for. Where do they teach you how to prepare for life after college? Where's the reassurance?

ANYway, I don't know about you, but I need an escape. Who's with me?

Monday, September 05, 2005

Dude, that is sweet

Happy Labor Day!

I simply wanted to check my e-mail on Yahoo! and the page took me to a new My Yahoo! page. I've been customizing the content for the past 20 minutes or so. I can't stop raving about it!

Who cares if Yahoo! now knows much more about me? Having the top headlines, my horoscope, TV listings, comics, entertainment headlines, other news headlines, brain teasers and the weather all on one page is pretty awesome!!!

And all I wanted to do was check my e-mail. Silly., move on over. I have a new home page.