Saturday, December 11, 2004

No day but today

Ooh, it's pay day today! I just remembered. :) Finally started to shop for Christmas gifts. It's as simple as clicking on a couple of buttons. But I'm not telling you what I bought. Nope. Sure, you can figure it out, but don't ruin the surprise. C'mon now.

Classes are over!!! Yay! No more papers to write for the rest of 2004! Heh! I've got one final on Monday, but I decided to take a break from studying tonight. My roommate and I watched Back to the Future: Part III, dubbed in French. Hey, she's taking her French final tomorrow. It was amusing. You notice just how much they say Doc, Marty, Clara, Tannen, Seamus, and Jennifer.

Ooh, as much as I love Christmas lights, I suck at putting them up. Definitely not my forte. (I am much better at cutting out snowflakes from coffee filters, FYI) :) It was my job to hang the lights up at work today, but I ended up with too many unused lights and no good place to put them. Well, they'll probably fall down sometime this weekend, so I'll just rehang them on Monday.

Had one amazing musical moment today when I made up this melodic blip with a cool sounding (in my head) piano sequence. It came out of nowhere as I headed out of McMahon 8. But argh! I forgot it already and didn't record it in any form. Maybe it wasn't meant to be, but you never know... Too bad I got distracted.

I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off me. I can relax (somewhat) for the next two and a half to three weeks. Yay!

Btw, I did not see Blade Trinity. Although I feel like I should have, considering Jason and Janice saw it. Back to the Future: Part III dubbed in French with English Subtitles for the Hearing Impaired is the next best thing. :)

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