Saturday, December 11, 2004

All things shall perish from under the sky.

Music alone shall live. Music alone shall live. Music alone shall live never to die.

I sang that in 6th grade. This is my mourning period for my Panasonic portable CD player. *sigh* I bought it 14 months ago, and it was a good little CD player. It survived a drastic fall to the laundry-room floor last year. It survived days and days of bus rides and strorage in my backpack. It always provided me with great music.

In my preparation to take things home for the holidays, I took out a CD from the player and shut my middle drawer. A few minutes later, I opened up my top drawer and couldn't close it. Why? My flashlight revealed that I forgot to close the CD player shut, and the top half was stuck between the two drawers.

Argh, I am no MacGyver -- as cool as that would be. I tried pulling out the top drawer. Even attempted to reach it with a pen. But the only way I could ever shut my drawers completely was to sacrifice the CD player. *sigh*

Goodbye, Panny.

Mourning period over.

Should I get another portable CD player or should I get an MP3 player? Hmmmm...

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