Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Maybe I'm brainless, maybe I'm wise

Whew, I am tired. Just took my final today. I am not a fan of tricky multiple choice. "Pick the most accurate statement." They all seem pretty damn accurate to me! But no worries though, I still feel good about the test. 'Cause hey! It's over.

I planned to write my last paper of the quarter tonight, but that's not going to happen. I definitely need a break.

Something has changed within me, something is not the same. LOL! I'll just keep borrowing lines from Wicked (I sometimes wonder if I can write something completely out of musical quotes -- not just Broadway musical but songs in general. Movie quotes would work too, but I know lyrics better than movie quotes). Wonderful. :)

Anyway, my wisdom teeth definitely need to be taken out... and soon. The sooner the better, but I'm not looking forward to pain and a swollen mouth. I am now going to spare you the pain of reading my spoof on "Defying Gravity." Why? It doesn't work with wisdom teeth. And I didn't actually write one. I thought about it, but just couldn't. On the other hand, "Defying Cavities" has much better cheese potential. Don't worry, I won't go there either. :) I really ought to write original songs again... I have to go.

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