Monday, December 13, 2004

Not just any Monday

Finished my last final! I was much more prepared for this final than my music midterm. I probably even overstudied the listening examples. Still, there were a couple part II (written exam and multiple choice) questions that totally stumped me. When did Buddhist music begin? Uhhhh... my mind went completely blank. Multiple choice: What is the oldest music performed in Asia and when did it begin?

Yeesh. I don't even think I have this information in my notes. Then I started thinking, "Didn't we learn this during the first half of class? I thought the test wasn't cumulative. Is this a trick question? It's a trick question. So I better not answer *that* way. Answer: B. Well, guess: B. Hmmm... waaait a minute. Erase visceral answer. I'm answering *that* way. It's probably wrong, but I'm gonna answer *that* way anyway. Ooh, it's tricky. I'm going to write that on my test -- 'Trick ?' -- just so they know that I think they're messing with me. Answer: A. I give up." Oh well! And now I think I read the question incorrectly, but what can you do? Smile and blog about it. :)

I can tell you about other things though. For example, the Nepal national anthem is pretty cool. There are three bands playing at once, and they are playing incompatible musical scales. Sure, you've got to get used to the reality that it's out of tune (and you may even wince), but that's what makes it cool. :)

I'm looking forward to next quarter but not until I make full use of my Christmas break... starting NOW!

Sunday, December 12, 2004

It's the most wonderful time of the year

Am definitely feeling the Christmas spirit today... and also the commercialized spirit too. Did a bit o' shoppin' at the U Bookstore. Again, can't tell you what I bought 'cause that would ruin the surprise for someone. :) Ate chicken teriyaki at Tokyo Garden. That's probably my favorite teriyaki place on the Ave. I stopped by Bartell's afterward and almost bought bubble tea from Yunnie's, but by 4:30, I felt like I had to head back to the dorms 'cause it was so dark already! Now, at 7 o'clock, I feel like I should be sleeping. It could be that I didn't get enough sleep last night (watched all of SNL [even the frightening performances by the musical guests]) and woke up at 9 this morning just to watch Love Actually on HBO. Regardless of my weird sleeping patterns, early darkness makes me long for summer. Easy livin', easy livin', easy livin'.

!Feliz navidad!

Saturday, December 11, 2004

All things shall perish from under the sky.

Music alone shall live. Music alone shall live. Music alone shall live never to die.

I sang that in 6th grade. This is my mourning period for my Panasonic portable CD player. *sigh* I bought it 14 months ago, and it was a good little CD player. It survived a drastic fall to the laundry-room floor last year. It survived days and days of bus rides and strorage in my backpack. It always provided me with great music.

In my preparation to take things home for the holidays, I took out a CD from the player and shut my middle drawer. A few minutes later, I opened up my top drawer and couldn't close it. Why? My flashlight revealed that I forgot to close the CD player shut, and the top half was stuck between the two drawers.

Argh, I am no MacGyver -- as cool as that would be. I tried pulling out the top drawer. Even attempted to reach it with a pen. But the only way I could ever shut my drawers completely was to sacrifice the CD player. *sigh*

Goodbye, Panny.

Mourning period over.

Should I get another portable CD player or should I get an MP3 player? Hmmmm...

Hey hey, ho ho, these wisdom teeth have got go!

Oy, I have a headache. Okay, it may not be wisdom-teeth-related, but you never know. I think it is though. I've noticed the warning signs: discomfort in the mouth, weird nasal problems, and headaches.

Or, it could be that I've been sitting in front of a computer in the library for heaven knows how many hours. I'm studying for my music final.

I plan to see Unleashed (UW's a cappella singing group) tonight at the HUB. One of my clustermates is in the group. Should be a nice Saturday-night break from the stress of studying.

No day but today

Ooh, it's pay day today! I just remembered. :) Finally started to shop for Christmas gifts. It's as simple as clicking on a couple of buttons. But I'm not telling you what I bought. Nope. Sure, you can figure it out, but don't ruin the surprise. C'mon now.

Classes are over!!! Yay! No more papers to write for the rest of 2004! Heh! I've got one final on Monday, but I decided to take a break from studying tonight. My roommate and I watched Back to the Future: Part III, dubbed in French. Hey, she's taking her French final tomorrow. It was amusing. You notice just how much they say Doc, Marty, Clara, Tannen, Seamus, and Jennifer.

Ooh, as much as I love Christmas lights, I suck at putting them up. Definitely not my forte. (I am much better at cutting out snowflakes from coffee filters, FYI) :) It was my job to hang the lights up at work today, but I ended up with too many unused lights and no good place to put them. Well, they'll probably fall down sometime this weekend, so I'll just rehang them on Monday.

Had one amazing musical moment today when I made up this melodic blip with a cool sounding (in my head) piano sequence. It came out of nowhere as I headed out of McMahon 8. But argh! I forgot it already and didn't record it in any form. Maybe it wasn't meant to be, but you never know... Too bad I got distracted.

I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off me. I can relax (somewhat) for the next two and a half to three weeks. Yay!

Btw, I did not see Blade Trinity. Although I feel like I should have, considering Jason and Janice saw it. Back to the Future: Part III dubbed in French with English Subtitles for the Hearing Impaired is the next best thing. :)

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Maybe I'm brainless, maybe I'm wise

Whew, I am tired. Just took my final today. I am not a fan of tricky multiple choice. "Pick the most accurate statement." They all seem pretty damn accurate to me! But no worries though, I still feel good about the test. 'Cause hey! It's over.

I planned to write my last paper of the quarter tonight, but that's not going to happen. I definitely need a break.

Something has changed within me, something is not the same. LOL! I'll just keep borrowing lines from Wicked (I sometimes wonder if I can write something completely out of musical quotes -- not just Broadway musical but songs in general. Movie quotes would work too, but I know lyrics better than movie quotes). Wonderful. :)

Anyway, my wisdom teeth definitely need to be taken out... and soon. The sooner the better, but I'm not looking forward to pain and a swollen mouth. I am now going to spare you the pain of reading my spoof on "Defying Gravity." Why? It doesn't work with wisdom teeth. And I didn't actually write one. I thought about it, but just couldn't. On the other hand, "Defying Cavities" has much better cheese potential. Don't worry, I won't go there either. :) I really ought to write original songs again... I have to go.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Know your limit

Okay, don't read that the wrong way. I just checked out the FOJG presale for Josh's concert in Vegas. $120.75 for one ticket. And that doesn't even include the $15 (I'm guessing and probably not even overguessing!) "convenience" charges. Yikes. Too expensive, considering I'd still have to pay for transportation and hotel. So no spring break in Vegas. No winter 2005 concert for me.

My Live at the Greek CD hasn't arrived from yet, but I caught the PBS Great Performances version yesterday. I say version because "Vincent" and Lucia Micarelli's solo were not aired. Oh, and "Believe" wasn't either. Oh, and "My Confession." But is "My Confession" on the DVD? Not sure. Anyway, it was a great concert. Brought back memories of January and August. During one of the pledge breaks, I got a kick when Warm 106.9 DJ, Daryl Summers, recalled when Josh visited the radio station. She mentioned that some ladies in the parking lot called her up on the phone. LOL! Hmmm... I wonder who those people were. :)

Friday, December 03, 2004

Huge sigh of relief

I got the internship! :) December has been kind to me. Happy holidays everyone!