Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Random thoughts... some new, some old

I just have to type this all out:

  • I'm addicted to MySpace.
  • I posted 4 blog entries on MySpace in two days, and Katherine pointed it out. LOL!
  • I'm excited for New York!
  • I need to do a lot more preparation for the trip!
  • Work is going well.
  • I will be sad if What About Brian doesn't return to ABC's fall lineup.
  • Yes, there were only five episodes of What About Brian.
  • I'm dying to write another song, but I haven't been able to find the time.
  • I think I did something to my iPod. The << (rewind) sign is stuck on my screen. Everything else still works, but still!
  • It's my third-grade teacher's birthday today, and I will never be able to forget it for some reason! That's my memory doin' it's thang.
  • I'm still mad at M:I3 for letting me down. I'm not mad at J.J. Abrams or anything. Just mad at the movie for making my HSX port take a major dip.
  • I think I should change my blog layout again because -- despite my love for the color gray -- the words on the right column are hurting my eyes.
  • I'm typing myself to sleep. Hope y'all didn't think this was boring.
Good night.

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