Thursday, May 11, 2006

"I've seen your face before."

For all you non-musical folks, that's a line from Les Miz. And it's playing on repeat in my head.

I went to dinner at Blue C Sushi with my friend Jennifer. Good food, good company, good time to catch up! We had a class together during my last quarter in college.

Before we entered the restaurant, I saw this man walking with what appeared to be his family (you can never tell, but that's what I assumed). And for the life of me, I cannot place his name and why or from where I know him. It's driving me crazy! Think, Allison, think!

He looked so familiar. This is going to bug me. I hope that it will just click when I least expect it. For now, I'm just annoyed that I can't connect a name to his face.

The drive down Mercer St. was horrendous. I waited forever and ever to get on I-5. At least I got to spend some time on the Ave. before picking up Jen at her apartment. I bought a few items at University Bookstore and couldn't pass up the opportunity to get a drink at Yunnie's. Not a bubble tea this time. Peach and mango milkshake. Yum.

OK, still can't figure out who the man is. Dagnabbit! Not a teacher. Not an actor. Not a tech support guy. Maybe a tech support guy? No, I don't think so. ARGH. OK, I'm going to post this and move on. SOOOO many things to do in preparation for my trip, and I have to work tomorrow. YIKES.

EDIT: It's 11:12 p.m. I think I just figured out who the man was. Of course, I can't be certain. Interesting. Yeah, I think I know who it was. :) Phew!

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