Thursday, June 01, 2006

Latest stats

Since I posted "Grow Old With You" online May 11, my video has been viewed 1206 times on YouTube and 122 times on MySpace. Holy cow. That's pretty amazing. Thanks, everyone.

I have two fans on YouTube. I'm flattered! Hehehe. (This means they added my video to their favorites list. Who are these guys and where do they live? LOL! I'm kidding. It's best that I don't know.) EDIT: I revisited the two profiles and only one identifies himself as a male. Ha ha. Yes, it's definitely best that I don't know these people.

If you're reading this blog, then I take it you know me somehow. If you have a YouTube account, could you please rate my video? I know, I know. I should develop much thicker skin, but I wish I had disbanded the ratings feature before anyone could be so cruel. I'm not a filmmaker here. I just wanted to share my vocals and thought pictures and quotes would be fun to see rather than just hearing me sing while a black screen filled the background.

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