Thursday, November 17, 2005

Sunrise, sunset

I must be in the mood for Fiddler on the Roof or something. "Tradition" *was* the last song I listened to on my way home today. My iPod was on shuffle. I love that feature.

Anyway, just wanted to comment that today I drove to the park & ride before sunrise, and I didn't arrive at home till after sunset.

And all I want to do is sleep. Sheesh.

Perhaps the one hour I actually enjoyed today was my Italian class, but we tackled demonstrative adjectives, and that killed some brain cells, me think. I was sitting pretty with the definite and indefinite articles. Perche, Signore, Perche?

I need a change of scenery. Apparently, we have stagnant air here in the Northwest. Gross. The trip to visit Jason is lookin' mighty nice. Austin, here we come!

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