Thursday, May 05, 2005

Act like you know what you're doing

Those are the words on one of my favorite T-shirts -- from Seattle Public Theater to be exact. And, oh, if only I *could* act like I know what I'm doing. Today in my crisis communications class, we had to roleplay. Yeesh. I don't know how lucky it is to get to be the irate parent of a child who attends a school where there are critical public health violations in the kitchen. Maybe it is lucky; the spokespeople for the school had the toughest task, imo (it's crisis comm. for cryin' out loud), and then the media got to ask a question or two. I got to watch a few people roleplay before it was my turn. And I laughed, even though it was supposed to be somewhat serious. But other people were laughing too.

And when it was my turn to be the irate parent, I started by yelling, "MY CHILD HAS BOTULISM, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!" And then my professor and some other people started laughing. Then *I* started laughing. Oh brother. Guess I can't act in a drama. At least I wasn't wearing the SPT T-shirt. That would have been embarrassing. Heh heh.

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