Monday, April 04, 2005

Silent rage... really unhealthy to have, so I'm going to vent.

SPITTING IN PUBLIC SHOULD BE BANNED. I swear, if I ever get spit on--by accident or on purpose--there will be hell to pay. I *almost* got spit on today as I left Odegaard Library. Remind me to avoid that library if I can. Suzzallo and Allen are much better libraries anyway. Well, I was on my merry way to the bus stop when this guy decided to let his spit go flying everywhere. By sheer instinct, I was able to stop in time, but I saw it all happen too close for comfort. If I had been a second quicker in my stride, I would have been caught in the grossness of it all. I didn't look at him directly, but I made him know I was there--standing there thinking, "YOU ARE INSANE AND DISGUSTING," and then I walked past him. ARRRRRRRRRRGH. FOR CRYIN' OUT LOUD, PEOPLE, STOP SMOKING AND SPITTING. AND HAVE SOME CONSIDERATION FOR A PUBLIC SPACE. I'm furious.

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