Tuesday, November 02, 2004


Okay, today would be a poor day to say that I have nothing to say. It's Election Day, but I don't think it's sunk in yet. I voted by absentee, so maybe that explains why it hasn't sunk in. I usually vote at the polls. Everywhere on campus, people are talking about voting. On the HUB lawn, in classrooms, at work. One of my clustermates just voted at another dorm.

Now I'm watching the TV coverage. They can't say all that much yet.

I have a bone to pick with The Today Show's advertisement. It said to join Katie and Matt for the "historic day after." Come on. It MAY be historic, but we don't know it WILL be because it's in the future! Hello, hasn't happened yet. Well everyone, tomorrow will be historic, and NBC knows it.

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