Sunday, November 14, 2004

Entrepreneur? Moi?

I read the chapter on entrepreneurship and starting a small business in my business textbook. It was a decently interesting chapter. I mean, I did read it after all, and I was able to answer one of my TA's question during his lecture.

At the end of the chapter, there was a test to see if I'd make a good entrepreneur... or not. Well, I took the test and here's my rating:

6-10 Things look pretty doubtful for you as an entrepreneur. It would take considerable rearranging of your life philosophy and behavior to make it.

*chuckles to self* I kinda had the feeling this would be true. And now I know. :) I mean, take a look at The Engineer from Miss Saigon. His outlook on life definitely doesn't match mine. And now I have "If You Want to Die in Bed" stuck in my head.

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