Tuesday, June 08, 2004

"I'm fer-ree-hee!"

Freedom! I took my last final this morning! YAY! It's over! I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off me. I'm really going to miss my classes though. I've enjoyed all three COM classes I took this year. :) History of jazz sparked my interest (see previous entries for a reminder) in all kinds of jazz music and artists. And English was fun. I wrote a song! Does it get better than that? Ummm... yeah!!! My English instructor e-mailed me, asking if she could keep the tape or make a copy of it. Does anybody know who Dar Williams is? I was told that I remind her of Dar Williams, so now I'm curious. Will have to check out the web site or something. Anyway, I'd be glad to share the song. That's what art's all about. Creating it and sharing it with others. :) Oh yeah, the song is called "More to Me." It gets emotional for me, and if you read Brown Girl, Brownstones by Paule Marshall, then you'll know where I got the inspiration. Hmmmmm... what else. I sold back my jazz book today. Didn't get back a whole lot. Hmph. Maybe I should have kept the book. Or sold it elsewhere. I'm in a California AND New York state of mind. And scrapbook state of mind. And musical state of mind. Think I'll go watch the Wicked segment of the Tonys again. :) Love that song.

P.S. The quote is from Genie (Robin Williams) in Aladdin

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