Saturday, June 05, 2004

I hope Blogger works today. I wrote an entry yesterday, but it wouldn't post. Anyway, yesterday was a huge relief for me. Today, I've been taking down pictures off the walls. It's a strange thing to have to do. Pull off the wall. Gently remove the tape. Watch the walls go blank. Moving is a weird thing.

I finally watched Wit on an HBO channel yesterday. I had been wanting to watch it for quite some time... ever since I found out that Audra McDonald was in it. Emma Thompson was perfect in the role of Prof. Vivian Bearing. Oh my gosh. I knew it was about a cancer patient, but I did not expect to cry so hard, especially when Dr. Bearing's own professor visits her in the hospital. It was so sad. *sigh* I'm tearing up just thinking about it. I cannot turn off my observances of language these days, thanks to my COM class. The soporific story line will make you laugh. :) The talk about medical and scholarly terms is interesting (just make sure to turn on closed captioning [or subtitles, if you're watching the DVD]). And, of course, the message about fighting cancer is difficult to ignore. In that case, you don't need language to see how it's affecting Dr. Bearing. This movie's not for the faint of heart/stomach. Again, Emma Thompson was superb. I missed the beginning, so I hope to catch it again. Be sure to watch Wit. I guarantee you'll be moved by it.

I've been listening to jazz all afternoon and evening. The free jazz is a grating on my ears, I'll admit it. Miles Davis is da man, I tell you. He played a tune called "It's About Time" actually. He's influenced soooo many artists that our TA joked: if we don't know the answer, just pick Miles Davis. Pat Metheny's "Third Wind" rocks. Oh yeah, Weather Report has grown on me. I feel like I should tell people at work about Weather Report. Get it? LOL! I know, I know. Lame, Allison. Oh yeah, the Bill Evans Trio is all right with me too. I can't wait to start a jazz collection. Right now, I own a total of zero jazz CDs. Heh heh. First up: Kurt Elling, Man in the Air. I'll buy it when I get back from California.

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