Thursday, May 13, 2010

It's About Time For a Blog Makeover, Allison

Part of my line of work is creating blogs for clients.  I strive to make sure they have the look and feel of the official website for which they are a companion feature. Well, I kept looking at the design of my own blog, and for years, it's just been a template offered by Blogger. Obviously, I couldn't stand it any longer, so bye-bye templates!

If I had Photoshop on my laptop, I'd make a lovely header, too, but this'll do for now.  Me likey.

Next up: I want to design and build my own website and share new music on it. Then, I'll probably come back here and redesign the blog again. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Woohoo. I've wanted to create my own website. My friend does it, and it's great. But it sounds like a lot of work...hence, easy blog.