Friday, March 12, 2010

A Look Back and a Look Forward

In 2003, I created a spreadsheet list of 100 Life Goals that I wanted to achieve.  I even created a companion scrapbook to document my accomplishments.  Some LGs were easier to complete than others.  For example, on July 26, 2003, I bought Michelle Branch's independently released CD Broken Bracelet.  (How was that a Life Goal, dear 19-year-old self?  Oh well, I'll take it!)  Others took some patience and creativity: On January 25, 2004, I met Josh Groban.

Seven years later, I've accomplished 47 of the original 100 Life Goals, and it's time to give them an update.  Why?  I haven't looked at this list in a couple years, and I mean it.  Today, I finally logged that I visited Italy and Vatican City, and that took place in September 2008.  (Hmm... the Italian vacation theme in my blog continues!)

Now that I've had time off, I am going to create new Life Goals to bring the list back up to 100.  Should be fun and rewarding.  I'll have to check in with the list more often now.

1 comment:

Janice said...

Oh, I like your LG list. Will one of your new goals be "to move to Denver"? =)