Sunday, October 30, 2005

The others

No, I don't want to talk about Lost's "The Others." I mean the other blogs I read. Are you curious about the links I posted in the right-hand column?

Just Janice: My sister Janice's blog. She should update more. ;)

Just A Simple rEflection: My brother Jason's blog. "He so funny!"

When in Rome...: I actually don't know if that's the title of my cousin Alexa's Xanga. 'Cause her name is really cabbageonionrebellion. But I like When in Rome...

Bill Walsh's Blogspot: For the copy editor in me. Read it only if there's a copy editor in you. Otherwise, you can skip to:

Where the Hell Is Matt?: No, I didn't hear about this via e-mail or TV. I heard about this from Matt's sister, Jennifer, who works at The 5th Avenue Theatre. The blog entries are great, but watch the dancing video. It's awesome!! Funny and awe-inspiring.

PostSecret: Warning - the content on this blog is not for all eyes. PG-13, borderline R. It can be a very moving and powerful Web site, but I don't always see things I like or am comfortable with. It pushes me sometimes, so if you check it out and don't like what you see, don't say I didn't warn you. I check it every Sunday. Before I found it, I had seen the All-American Rejects' music video for "Dirty Little Secret." I was impressed by the video and not so much the song. People held up cards with their secrets on 'em. Then I read a soldier's blog (needed to read one for my media effects class) and found a link to PostSecret. Immediately, I was drawn to it because, as it turns out, it was the source for the images in the music video.

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