Sunday, September 17, 2006


Being 22 was amazing. This time last year I was wrapping up my internship at The 5th Avenue Theatre. Then I finished my last quarter of college. Became a fan of Anna Nalick and her incredible music. Went to the Philippines for the first time. Wrote a few songs. Worked at Pacific Northwest Ballet. Moved to New York. Started working at TMG - The Marketing Group.

Lots of highlights. Most of the past 365 days have been great. Some not so great.

I hope my 23rd year of living on this planet will be just as great -- if not better.

Oh, and my actual birthday was fun. Went to the mall. Had dinner with Veron, Jay, Alexa and Keith. Then we went to Karaoke 17. Good times. :)

To all who've wished me happy birthday today and celebrated with me, thank you!

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