Saturday, August 13, 2005

You heard it here first

And when I say "you," I really mean me. And when I say "here," I mean The 5th Avenue Theatre. Hehehe.

Princesses was great! We saw the very first preview of the world premiere. Woohoo! My favorite LOL moment was:

Kevin Finch: "Is it hot in here, or is it just me?"
Dena: "IT'S JUST YOU!"

LOL just thinking about it. Sorry if I spoiled it for you, but I figure (as does Janice) that only our family reads these blogs. Family and a few good friends. You know who you are. :)

Yesterday, I used the restroom in the theater (well, whenever I use the restroom during my internship, it's in the theater) and got to hear the cast rehearsing withOUT their microphones. I noticed the vocal arrangement was different from Tuesday's show, and I have to say, the song sounded gorgeous. The father-daughter duet was enhanced by the girls harmonizng "ahhs." I wish you could have heard it for yourself. And I say "you," I mean you! Maybe they'll implement the change for tomorrow's matinee. I hope so!

This one's for Jason: "Whoa there."

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