Surprisingly, this didn't turn into a big rambling entry! Just a couple lists that capture a lot of things previously blogged.
Top 10 Highlights of the Year
1. Landing my job at TMG – The Marketing Group
2. Moving to New York City
3. Reconnecting with friends through MySpace and Facebook
4. Setting a new record for the number of musicals seen in one year (see below)
5. Visiting the Philippines for the first time
6. Seeing Anna Nalick in concert twice and meeting her twice
7. Working for Pacific Northwest Ballet as a media relations assistant and watching more ballet than I ever have before
8. Going to New York in May for informational interviews and meeting really cool people in what is now my industry
9. Writing original songs after being inspired by professional musicians, musicals and books
10. Seeing my name in a Broadway Playbill
The Year in Numbers
240: the number of times the song listened to the most on my iPod/iTunes, "Home," has played (acquired this track in early 2006 from Anna Nalick's special CD released in Australia)
20: books read (5 short of my goal for the year)
29: the number of musicals I saw this year (shatters the previous one-year record of 15)
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