Finished my last final! I was much more prepared for this final than my music midterm. I probably even overstudied the listening examples. Still, there were a couple part II (written exam and multiple choice) questions that totally stumped me. When did Buddhist music begin? Uhhhh... my mind went completely blank. Multiple choice: What is the oldest music performed in Asia and when did it begin?
Yeesh. I don't even think I have this information in my notes. Then I started thinking, "Didn't we learn this during the first half of class? I thought the test wasn't cumulative. Is this a trick question? It's a trick question. So I better not answer *that* way. Answer: B. Well, guess: B. Hmmm... waaait a minute. Erase visceral answer. I'm answering *that* way. It's probably wrong, but I'm gonna answer *that* way anyway. Ooh, it's tricky. I'm going to write that on my test -- 'Trick ?' -- just so they know that I think they're messing with me. Answer: A. I give up." Oh well! And now I think I read the question incorrectly, but what can you do? Smile and blog about it. :)
I can tell you about other things though. For example, the Nepal national anthem is pretty cool. There are three bands playing at once, and they are playing incompatible musical scales. Sure, you've got to get used to the reality that it's out of tune (and you may even wince), but that's what makes it cool. :)
I'm looking forward to next quarter but not until I make full use of my Christmas break... starting NOW!
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