We have balconies here at McMahon. My clustermates and I had our balcony opened as soon as we could. Unfortunately, housing made the decision to close all the balconies after The Incident a few weeks ago. What was The Incident?, you ask. Here's a summary of what I read in The Daily:
I guess a few musicians (starting with a trumpet player, and later accompanied by other instrumentalists including a violinist) played "Tequila" over and over again, and as more and more people heard the music, they joined in shouting the lone word of the song. The noise attracted the police, and then apparently people threw objects at them. Throwing major objects off the balcony is a *major* violation of the rules, and that's why all the balconies were closed.
Well, I missed out on observing The Incident first hand (The Daily had a pretty funny article about it). It happened on the other side of the building, and I was out at a birthday party that night.
Fast forward to today: Our balcony is still closed. We need to have a five-minute meeting with our RA, but there hasn't been a good time when all clustermates were present. I miss not being able to go out there.
A guy cluster on the floor above us managed to have everyone present for the reopening meeting. For the first time, I saw them out there, and it freaked me out. I was in my room when they were looking over the side, and while they weren't exactly looking directly, I didn't want them to do that. Sooooo, I closed the curtains. Little did they realize that my windows were open, and I could hear them say, "That room just closed their curtains! What do they think, we're spies?" And then they started laughing. No, I don't think you're spies 'cause spies are supposed to be stealthy, but I do think you're freakin' me out.
OK. Maybe I'm just bitter 'cause our balcony isn't open. But I will say this: Thank goodness for curtains. And I'm not afraid to use them.
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