Monday, November 22, 2004

Hey, ya blog! Yeah, you! Move over!

Hey, and what's happening?

I've lost my blogging streak, that's for sure. But I thought I'd pop in, just in case *you* popped in. I thought now would be a good time to say something new.

*sigh* and *sigh of relief* I am in limbo right now. For those of you who visit, that's the fourth definition of the word, not any of the first three. I had my interview for the internship this afternoon. Mom can tell you that I was really nervous. Anxious. I could hardly concentrate today.

The interview was good. I think. I mean, now I can look back and analyze (and overanalyze), but really, the one thing I can't do is do it again. But considering just how nervous I was, I'm glad I can't do it again.

Bottom line: After getting the chance to talk to the people who would supervise me, I'd *love* to intern there. There's so much I could learn and so much experience I could gain. I really hope to get the internship. *knock on wood* Cross your fingers, send the good vibes, pray, think happy thoughts for me please. I should hear back next week. Obviously, there are two possibilities: I get the internship. Or, I don't get the internship. I'm not sure I'm prepared for the second possibility. Let's hope it doesn't come to that. Until next week...

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Entrepreneur? Moi?

I read the chapter on entrepreneurship and starting a small business in my business textbook. It was a decently interesting chapter. I mean, I did read it after all, and I was able to answer one of my TA's question during his lecture.

At the end of the chapter, there was a test to see if I'd make a good entrepreneur... or not. Well, I took the test and here's my rating:

6-10 Things look pretty doubtful for you as an entrepreneur. It would take considerable rearranging of your life philosophy and behavior to make it.

*chuckles to self* I kinda had the feeling this would be true. And now I know. :) I mean, take a look at The Engineer from Miss Saigon. His outlook on life definitely doesn't match mine. And now I have "If You Want to Die in Bed" stuck in my head.

Saturday, November 13, 2004


Josh Groban's official site just announced new U.S. tour dates in early 2005. No Washington, Oregon, or California dates. No love for the West Coast. I hope that changes. So I just checked my final-exam schedule for winter quarter. My last final is on March 18, and Josh will play Las Vegas on the 19th. The 19th marks the beginning of spring break for me. Spring break in Vegas? Hmmmm, indeed. I'm also hoping more dates are added that week.

I'm excited for The Amazing Race! It'll be the first time for me to watch the entire series. Tuesdays at 9. I'm there. :)

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Not exactly rear window but very close

We have balconies here at McMahon. My clustermates and I had our balcony opened as soon as we could. Unfortunately, housing made the decision to close all the balconies after The Incident a few weeks ago. What was The Incident?, you ask. Here's a summary of what I read in The Daily:

I guess a few musicians (starting with a trumpet player, and later accompanied by other instrumentalists including a violinist) played "Tequila" over and over again, and as more and more people heard the music, they joined in shouting the lone word of the song. The noise attracted the police, and then apparently people threw objects at them. Throwing major objects off the balcony is a *major* violation of the rules, and that's why all the balconies were closed.

Well, I missed out on observing The Incident first hand (The Daily had a pretty funny article about it). It happened on the other side of the building, and I was out at a birthday party that night.

Fast forward to today: Our balcony is still closed. We need to have a five-minute meeting with our RA, but there hasn't been a good time when all clustermates were present. I miss not being able to go out there.

A guy cluster on the floor above us managed to have everyone present for the reopening meeting. For the first time, I saw them out there, and it freaked me out. I was in my room when they were looking over the side, and while they weren't exactly looking directly, I didn't want them to do that. Sooooo, I closed the curtains. Little did they realize that my windows were open, and I could hear them say, "That room just closed their curtains! What do they think, we're spies?" And then they started laughing. No, I don't think you're spies 'cause spies are supposed to be stealthy, but I do think you're freakin' me out.

OK. Maybe I'm just bitter 'cause our balcony isn't open. But I will say this: Thank goodness for curtains. And I'm not afraid to use them.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

The Grobanite in me

I haven't been keeping up with news about Josh Groban in a while, but I'm getting back into the excitement of being a fan. (Wow, I guess I just had more time on my hands when I was in high school, but I think I get to say that because I'm not *in* high school any more. Does that make sense? These days, I feel like I'm super busy.)

Just renewed my FoJG membership and bought The Polar Express soundtrack last week. I will watch Conan O'Brien tonight (yeah, can you believe it? He'll be on Conan!). Oh, and I definitely can't wait for the Live at the Greek CD/DVD & PBS special. Ah, music to my ears. It's good to be a Grobanite. :)

Friday, November 05, 2004

To blog or not to blog

Hey, I feel like I haven't blogged in a while. I mean, so much has happened since Tuesday night. And I feel -- no, I know -- that I have been censoring myself. After all, I haven't blogged about the election results.

Well, let me tell you, I was depressed on Wednesday. How could I not be? After waiting soooo long to vote for the president the first time, it was just really depressing to know that I chose and I lost. Of course, America is a republic and a democracy. A little over half of the voters (barely a majority) got their way, and now a little less than half (hardly a minority) are in shock.

Back to choosing or losing and voting or dying, young voters apparently didn't rock at all. Less than one in ten of us voted, according to NBC. I hate being a young voter. I can't help that I am one, but I just hate when anybody older than the young voter says that we don't vote. It's frustrating. I don't think I'm ever going to hear a good explanation as to why my peer group doesn't vote. No wonder Drew Barrymore got so frustrated when she was filming her documentary. I vote, my friends vote, my clustermates vote. The people I know... they vote! What about everyone else? I really hope John Kerry will be right when he said -- during his concession speech, actually -- that one day our votes will change the world (okay, so I don't remember exactly how he put it).

Beyond the young voter absence from the polls (maybe they just don't know that we all [or most of us] vote by absentee when we're in college), I'm disappointed by the outcome of the electoral votes (and that system altogether), disappointed by the outcome of the popular votes, disappointed about it all.

And I'm still censoring myself. Argh.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004


Okay, today would be a poor day to say that I have nothing to say. It's Election Day, but I don't think it's sunk in yet. I voted by absentee, so maybe that explains why it hasn't sunk in. I usually vote at the polls. Everywhere on campus, people are talking about voting. On the HUB lawn, in classrooms, at work. One of my clustermates just voted at another dorm.

Now I'm watching the TV coverage. They can't say all that much yet.

I have a bone to pick with The Today Show's advertisement. It said to join Katie and Matt for the "historic day after." Come on. It MAY be historic, but we don't know it WILL be because it's in the future! Hello, hasn't happened yet. Well everyone, tomorrow will be historic, and NBC knows it.