Friday, July 16, 2004

I'm meltinnnng

It's sooooo hot outside!  I'm now sitting in air-conditioned Allen Library, but just so you know, I'm still burning up.  I walked down to the Starbucks in U-Village.  Fine, but walking down means I also walked back UP to campus.  UW's on a hill, don'tcha know!  Or U-Village is down in the valley.  Whatever you like to call it, I certainly had a workout in the middle of the afternoon.  Not exactly prime time.  Yikes.  I didn't bring a backpack today, but I have this messenger bag type of dealie 'cause I needed to put my binder and a few other things in it for the officer meeting.  Our professional adviser came (yay, she's nice), and so did my professor (our academic adviser).  The former said she couldn't pass up a meeting at a Starbucks.  Heh!
Well, we won't be having a car wash fundraiser tomorrow after all.  I hope this BBQ thing works out next Saturday.  Man, I have too many things on my mind on a Friday afternoon.  Class stuff.  Similarly, Seattle Public Theater stuff.  PRSSA stuff.  Family stuff (good stuff though).  Meanwhile, thank gawd for Avenue Q.  That show puts it all in perspective.   
I guess I wanted to post this blog just to say that on my way down to U-Village waiting at an intersection, a car was coming into UW, and I heard someone shout my name.  It was Auntie Lidge, plus Uncle Jessie in the Pilot.  Some of our relatives are here visiting.  Talk about coincidence and perfect timing!  I jayran (lol) across and said hello to Uncle Peter and Auntie Auxie (sp.). 
Oh yes, holding a meeting at Starbucks allowed me the opportunity to buy the We Are the Future CD and a nice vanilla frappuccino.  Yum...  can't wait to listen to the CD.  I guess I could do it now, but I'll wait 'til I ride the bus home. 
If you're reading this, send some relaxation vibes my way.   

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