Sunday, February 11, 2007


I need to stop believing that my world order revolves around the status of the dryers in my building. Seriously, when they stopped working last month, life was pretty rough. And then at least one of them was repaired last weekend, and all was well. Now they're all broken again, and things seem pretty dour again! Hmmmm... I guess it would help if I went downtown, but construction on the C line is affecting the A, and I really don't want to have to experience what I did yesterday. Too much transferring and waiting around. Maybe I should clean my room and apply some feng shui to things. I've been meaning to do that. Cross your fingers for those dryers.

Friday, February 09, 2007

A few months ago, it was cornbread

Now I'm craving suman. Mmmmmmmm... suman.

Monday, February 05, 2007


My gawd, it was brutally cold today! Ugh. And to add ice-cold insult to injury, our office was also freezing. I wore my gloves as I typed on my computer. I tried thinking about the Philippines (riding in the motorized tricycle thingies) in my T-shirt, shorts and flip flops. Yeah, it didn't help much. :)

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Back to (Broadway) Basics

I hadn't seen a show since January 13th... way too long in my book. I'm here for Broadway, baby. Wanted to get this week off to the right start and saw Hairspray. Ashley Parker Angel wasn't in today's matinee, but the understudy was great! Sounded like a Link to me. Had a fun time laughing and wishing I could actually dance. Diana DeGarmo was fantastic as Penny. She's leaving the show next Sunday. Guess who her replacement is. Just guess! Alexa Vega from Spy Kids! Huh. (Janice is probably laughing while remembering my Spanish homework assignment about Carmen y Juni.) Well, it turns out that I may have to return to Hairspray later this year, for APA and AV.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Miranda moment

Yes, indeed, I think I may have had a "Sex and the City" moment earlier this week when I had an $18 hamburger at Joe's Pub. Meghan and I went to see Erin McKeown, a very versatile and talented musician, perform. I swear there's an episode of SatC where they talk about how expensive hamburgers are in Manhattan. Somebody tell me I'm not making it up?

Thursday, January 11, 2007

I can't sleep!

I think it's because I had an extended nap on the subway train a couple hours ago! Might as well catch up on things online.

Saw Dreamgirls with Keith and some of his friends from volleyball. Such a good movie. I'm glad I watched it again!

It snowed this morning! At first, as I was walking along W. 40th Street between 7th and 8th Avenue, I got really mad because I thought somebody's disgusting cigarette ash things were getting all over me. Then more snow started to surround the air, and I got really happy. :) Snooooow!! Not enough to stick but just enough to put me in a good mood before work.

Friday, January 05, 2007

I needed to buy some cards anyway...

... now I'll just make sure to go to Hallmark to get this Josh Groban CD. Oh, those marketers are good...

From FOJG:
Hallmark CD
If you haven't heard Josh put out a Hallmark CD for Valentines Day. The album is only available at Hallmark Gold Crown Stores and is titled 'With You'. This exclusive album has two never before heard tracks and is a must have for a Josh fan. Head over to your local Hallmark Gold Crown store or check for more details.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Here's looking at you, 2006

Surprisingly, this didn't turn into a big rambling entry! Just a couple lists that capture a lot of things previously blogged.

Top 10 Highlights of the Year

1. Landing my job at TMG – The Marketing Group

2. Moving to New York City

3. Reconnecting with friends through MySpace and Facebook

4. Setting a new record for the number of musicals seen in one year (see below)

5. Visiting the Philippines for the first time

6. Seeing Anna Nalick in concert twice and meeting her twice

7. Working for Pacific Northwest Ballet as a media relations assistant and watching more ballet than I ever have before

8. Going to New York in May for informational interviews and meeting really cool people in what is now my industry

9. Writing original songs after being inspired by professional musicians, musicals and books

10. Seeing my name in a Broadway Playbill

The Year in Numbers

240: the number of times the song listened to the most on my iPod/iTunes, "Home," has played (acquired this track in early 2006 from Anna Nalick's special CD released in Australia)

20: books read (5 short of my goal for the year)

29: the number of musicals I saw this year (shatters the previous one-year record of 15)