*tapping on the virtual microphone* Check, check. One two, one two. Check, check.
Oh, hello! Guess who’s back? Guess who’s feeling “the need to express, to communicate” and reference musical theatre?
It is I, Allison! Yes, I am back on the blog that I started back in my college days, and I am ready to share stories from my life in written, visual, and audio form. You read that correctly! I want to share in ways I haven’t done before, and I reserve the right to try them once and abandon them or stick with them as I see fit. I give myself permission to be me. And my life has been full of trial and error. My life is about being creative, trying new experiences, and rebirth.
Before I talk about what I’ve been up to lately, let’s do a little rewind. The last time I posted on this blog was five years ago. Crazy! To put that into perspective, Hamilton: An American Musical hadn’t yet become a worldwide phenomenon because its theatrical debut at the Public Theater and subsequent Broadway debut occurred in 2015. My youngest niece has never been featured on this blog because she wasn’t born yet!
Between now and the then that was 2014, I had a website, allisoncabellon.com. I started it when I was learning more about business and entrepreneurship. There’s no use hyperlinking to my website because as of May 1, 2019, I stopped the website hosting. Why? First, it was not financially viable. Second, I want to redo the website. Third, I need some time to re-focus my efforts as I'll explain further...
I did have a few blog entries on allisoncabellon.com, which I saved to a Google doc, and time will tell if I add those here or not.
So five years have passed since my last blog post on this thankfully-still-free platform, and I developed a variety of passions. Some lasted (Hamilton and Waitress on Broadway, I’m looking at you and want to return again & again). Some did not (watercolor painting, we'll always have the summer of 2017!). Some have resurfaced in recent months and weeks. And now I want to talk about them because the time feels right.
A handful of people know about this, and now you, dear reader, will know that last month I sustained an injury to the left side of my body when someone walked into me while transferring to a train across the subway platform. I didn’t see them coming; otherwise, I absolutely would have done my best to get out of their way. My extraordinary primary care doctor has done a series of osteopathic manipulation treatments (OMT) to help realign my rib cage and back.
Okay, let me pause here and apologize if this is too much information. When I was little, I used to cringe at hearing stories of broken bones and and such. I currently work at a doctor’s office, so now I hear about a variety of health issues and have learned to hold space while hearing them. If you are reading this right now and cringing because you are empathic and can feel others’ pain, I’m sending you love because I know how you feel.
Back to the story of my healing, I am feeling much better. Nothing was/is broken, I felt sharp pain and discomfort at times. Now I can exercise and sleep perfectly fine.
Why did I even share this story about my personal health? I was telling a patient just the other day that any time I am going through something health-wise, I ask myself, “What can I learn from this? What's the lesson here?”
And the answer is my body has been teaching me about alignment. How can I realign myself with what lights me up? Because, while I do have a day job to support me financially, I also have a deep desire to serve the world in some way that involves the talents and gifts I was given by sheer virtue of being a soul incarnated as a human being on earth at this time.
There is a part of me that is afraid to own that. For sure. And then there is a part of me that is yearning to break free of any and all conditioning that is holding me back from sharing my gifts with the world.
What do I mean by “serving the world”? I often think of what one of my friends has told me over the years: “You’ve done your job if you’ve reached one person.” If you can reach one person, that may have a ripple effect that you may never get to know about. But it still has an effect. And it matters.
A question was posed to me last week: “Does your [day] job have to be your passion?” My mind immediately answered yes, but my gut said no. For those of you that know Human Design, I’m a Manifesting Generator with sacral authority. So it’s not surprising that my mind would chip in with its opinion, but the surprise is that my authority (my decision-making process) said no.
Would I love to be making money doing what I love? Absolutely!
Am I there yet? No, not yet.
Am I working toward that? Oh yes, oh yes.
And that’s where alignment comes into play. A day or two after the question about my job being my passion was asked of me, I got this e-mail from SoundCloud that someone had liked a song I had posted. I was deeply moved because, with my website down, I had changed the link in my Instagram profile to my SoundCloud page. Granted, I don’t know how this person arrived at my SoundCloud page, but I was really touched that people are still listening to my music, whether or not I’m consciously thinking about it. On that day, I reached one person, and that song has the potential for healing and forgiveness. And that song was put out into the world for free.
So let this blog post and let the events of the past week reaffirm that I want to serve the world with my gifts, whether it be music, sound healing, energy healing, a penchant for learning & sharing what I’ve learned, or something completely new & different that I don’t even know about yet.
In related news, I’m re-aligning with my desire to create and share more music. This past Friday, I got accepted into NYU’s new online program about the music industry. I can’t wait to get started!
With a heart full of gratitude,
P.S. Here are some links if you’d like to connect with me!
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