Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Three Minutes of Your Time

TWO MINUTES: Please watch this video. "My friend is in serious trouble, in fact he is fighting for his life right now."

ONE MINUTE: Please click here and sign the petition to help save Japan's dolphins. We need to reach 500,000 signatures by the end of today, October 31, 2012, and we have about 4,500 to go at the time of this posting.

That's it. Three minutes and done.

New York, NY

UPDATE: Around 6 PM Eastern today (October 31, 2012), Take Part extended the deadline to reach 500,000 signatures to November 15, 2012. So we still have time, but please take 3 minutes if you haven't already to click, watch, and sign.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

A Letter to Ellen DeGeneres

A handwritten version of this letter is going in the mail on Monday morning.

Dear Ellen,

My name is Allison Cabellon, and I have been a fan of yours for many years. I am writing to you on a Saturday night because I need your help as a fellow compassionate animal lover.

In 2010, you recommended on your website that visitors/viewers watch the documentary The Cove. Fast forward 2 years later, and the dolphin hunts and slaughter continue in Taiji, Japan. Last night, Sea Shepherd Cove Guardians livestreamed footage to the world. Three Risso dolphins* were captured for a life of captivity, and the rest of their family, 7 more Rissos, were killed. I will never forget the dolphins’ cries while watching The Cove. Last night’s cries will haunt me, too.

Ellen, can you help me – and all who care about animals – by asking Yahoo! to stop selling whale and dolphin meat on their websites? did. I am asking you not only because you care about animals but also because your show’s website,, appears to be hosted on Yahoo! Your powerful voice could make a big difference for the dolphins.

As of tonight, there are 128,617 people on who are calling for Yahoo! to stop selling whale and dolphin meat. “We can’t make change without knowing what we’re up against.” That is how you ended your website recommendation for watching The Cove. Now that we do know what we’re up against, let’s make the change.

Thank you,
New York, NY

*UPDATE: As reported by Melissa Sehgal on the October 24th live stream by Sea Shepherd, the three Rissos in captivity are not eating.