Tuesday, August 30, 2005

August, oh August

You flew by so fast. Highlights of the month:

Hanging out with family/relatives

Seeing Siegfried and Gotterdammerung

Seeing Princesses with mi familia

Seeing Princesses with Brittany

Working at the press table on opening night

Seeing Princesses on opening night with Janice

Attending the cast party at Sazerac

Seeing Princesses (the last performance) with Mom

Continuing to do my internship at The 5th

Okay, so I saw Princesses four times. What can I say? :) I like it. And you totally get a new perspective on musical theater working behind the scenes.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

March of the Penguins

Saw March of the Penguins yesterday with Mom. I laughed, I sighed, I awwwed, and I definitely got emotional when the moms mourned the loss of their unborn babies or chicks. Emperor penguins are resilient, amazing and way cute. And how about sliding on your belly when you want to give your feet a rest? That looks enjoyable. Waddle waddle. Flop and slide. :)

During the mating scene (yeah, you know), I leaned over and whispered to Mom, "This IS rated G." But yeah, you knoooow. And today when Mom was telling Dad about the movie, she said it was rated X. LOL! Liar liar, pants on fire.

"First, I was inspired...

... now I'm sad and tired." Okay, it's not very often that you get a chance to quote Jesus Christ Superstar out of context, but what can I say? Tim Rice's lyrics once again strike a chord within me.

I got all gung-ho about cleaning my room towards the end of last week. I was excited to de-junk, if you can believe that. I couldn't wait to get home to do it. And for a while there, it felt great to repeat Janice's "in the trash" mantra. It felt really good to get rid of "so much crap" (heh, stuck in a Princesses lyric too). But now I'm all crapped out. LOL! Sorry if you're offended, people. I didn't say this would be pretty.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Two thumbs up

For the Ring and for Princesses

Yup, Wagner's four operas and the new musical comedy get two thumbs way up from me. :) Ain't too hard to please.

Subject line poetry


Crash and burn

Don't run for the bus in 80-degree weather

Why did I eat that cupcake at 3?

I have "By Heart" stuck in my head

Will Princesses play at the Neil Simon Theater?

Crash and burn


Monday, August 15, 2005

To buy or not to buy ...

... that is the question. Well, what do you think? Should I purchase Romeo & Juliet (1968, dir. Zeffirelli) on DVD at $9.36 from deepdiscountdvd.com, or should I wait? 'Cause who knows? They might release a special edition DVD in three years for the 40th anniversary. Hmmm... decisions, decisions. :)

Saturday, August 13, 2005

You heard it here first

And when I say "you," I really mean me. And when I say "here," I mean The 5th Avenue Theatre. Hehehe.

Princesses was great! We saw the very first preview of the world premiere. Woohoo! My favorite LOL moment was:

Kevin Finch: "Is it hot in here, or is it just me?"
Dena: "IT'S JUST YOU!"

LOL just thinking about it. Sorry if I spoiled it for you, but I figure (as does Janice) that only our family reads these blogs. Family and a few good friends. You know who you are. :)

Yesterday, I used the restroom in the theater (well, whenever I use the restroom during my internship, it's in the theater) and got to hear the cast rehearsing withOUT their microphones. I noticed the vocal arrangement was different from Tuesday's show, and I have to say, the song sounded gorgeous. The father-daughter duet was enhanced by the girls harmonizng "ahhs." I wish you could have heard it for yourself. And I say "you," I mean you! Maybe they'll implement the change for tomorrow's matinee. I hope so!

This one's for Jason: "Whoa there."

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Past hope, past cure, past help

My room's a certified mess. Certified by whom? I don't know. Me, I guess. Heh heh. I've been meaning to clean it this summer, but I just run out of time in the evenings and weekends. And now, my man-made disaster of a room is giving Janice a chance to work out as she jumps over my backpack to enter. Brave sister, that one. :)

Well, I'm determined to tackle the mess. I just have to do it a little at a time. But when do I get to write a brilliant song? When do I get to catch up on the books I want to read? *sigh* So much to do, so little time.

(Ring review and Princesses review to come...)

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

They're heeeeere!

Jason and Janice! Woohoo! Hi, sibs. Hi, 'rents. Lookin' forward to having pizza and seeing Princesses with you. Wow, it's so nice to have a day off, too!